Our Expertise

Containerization and Kubernetes

Package and Run your Application anywhere with great consistency and predictablity. We have in-house experts on Docker, OCI, lxc, CRI-O and rkt.

Configuration Management

Deployment and configuration of your application on the Cloud. Apply patches and configuration updates seamlessly. We have expertise on Ansible, Puppet, Chef, Salt, Juju Charms for configuration management.

Build and CI/CD

Continous integration and Continous Deployment of your Application on the cloud. We have expertise in Jenkins, Bamboo, Ansible, Azure DevOps, Gitlab CI and Travis CI

Infrastructre as Code

Define your Infrastructure in the form of code. Deploy, Update, Revert your your Infrastructure by just updating the code. We have extensive experience in IaC tools like GitOps, Terraform, Vagrant, AWS cloud formation, Ansible.


Apply application security measures consistently and in a repeatable manner across multiple cloud platforms through code. Identify security vulnerabilities sooner and fix them quicker. Our in-house expert DevSecOps team is aligned to streamline the application security for our customers through devops code.

Logging, Metrics and Monitoring

Your application integration with tools for Logging, Metrics and Monitoring does add lot of value to your customers. This became a critical requirement for applications running in public and private cloud. Our devops experts have vast experience in tools like ELK stack, Fluentd, Grafana, AWS cloudwatch, Splunk etc

Our Approach

  • Requirement Gathering In this phase we meet with all stakeholders and understand the requirement

  • Understand the Application Architecture In this phase our team spends time on customer's product and understand it's architecture thoroughly.

  • Design and Architect Best fit Solution In this phase we design our solution to the problem which fits the customer's product architecture and lifecyle. Also, we select right technologies needed for implementing the solution here.

  • Implement the Solution In this phase we work on implementating the solution We focus on writting quality code and follow necessary industry standard practices for it.

  • Test the Solution In this phase, We write test strategy and test plans We execute these test plans against the product. Fix all issues that our team finds during the testing phase.

  • Document In this phase, Our team writes user friendly and well organized documents. Our content creation team is expert at designing customer facing documentation.

  • Demo In this phase, we demonstrate the solution to necessary stakeholders including management, sales and support team.

Our Technology Expertise

Data Engineering
React JS Ninjas
Cloud / DevOps